FREE 5-Day Email Challenge

Boost Your Child's Immunity Challenge

Discover how to use herbal and homeopathic medicine with babies and toddlers so you can feel confident using natural remedies.

What you'll discover in this FREE E-mail challenge:

  • The 6-step framework to boost your child's immunity so they are comfortable at home when sick
  • How to make tea for kids for kids to fill any nutrient gaps
  • Tinctures. How they can support kids and reduce medications.
  • The 5-step method for using homeopathy correctly; so those little sugar tablets work every time
  • How to match your child's symptoms to the natural remedy so you get it right each time.

"Before using Tara's custom tincture, my son had a lingering cough for over a month. I tried many different remedies, including Zarbee’s naturals, and nothing really seemed to work. The first day I used the tincture Tara created, he coughed up the mucous he was holding onto. After about 4 days of the tincture, his cough was finally gone. We always have Tara’s tinctures on hand, including mixtures for headache and PMS symptoms that I use regularly."

-Julia Kisla

Julia Kisla

Hey, I'm Tara. It's great to meet you.  

I'm a certified herbalist with Dr. Aviva Romm and obsessed with finding natural remedies for you and your family.

Your children are "building their immunity" from ages 2-6 years. They will get sick. My goal is to help you reduce your child's medications so we don't disrupt their gut health with excessive medications.

This results in fewer tummy aches, allergies and even nagging coughs. If you're a natural momma, you'll love this free challenge!


Tara in the press...