FREE Resource Sheet for Breastfeeding Moms

How to use adaptogens while breastfeeding

Swipe my favorite botanicals to prevent burnout and keep you feeling steady during this season of your life.

In this template, you'll discover:

  • How to know a botanical is safe while nursing
  • The 6 must-have adaptogens to use while breastfeeding and how they can improve your health
  • The ONE Adaptogen that helped me heal postpartum depression

What clients have to say...

Hey, I'm Tara. It's great to meet you.  

Just like you, I wanted only what was best for my children when I had them.

But, the fear of using herbal medicine while breastfeeding is real!

I love teaching moms how to incorporate natural remedies postpartum & beyond. This is your first step. I hope this brings you confidence in learning herbal medicine.


